How to receive a catalogue, an sample or test copy?

You can download out catalogue from here. To receive a paper copy via post you can request it at the following email: italianoperstranieri@lemonnier.it
To receive an sample text write to the following email specifying the title of the volume: italianoperstranieri@lemonnier.it
To request a text copy of our volumes fill out the module "Request a test copy" and send it attached via email to italianoperstranieri@lemonnier.it or via fax to +39 055 50 83 280

How can I ask for a price estimate?

You can send your request for an estimate to our office via the following email: vendite.lemonnier@lemonnier.it, or via fax to +39 055 50 83 280
- The title and ISBN of the volume;
- Number of copies;
- Shipping method desired;
- Name of the company or person who is ordering (with fiscal code, VAT and business address)
- Complete shipping address

How can I place an order?

You can send your order to our sales office via the following methods: - via email to vendite.lemonnier@lemonnier.it;
- Telephone +39 055 05 83 244
- Fax + 39 055 - 50.83.280

How can I order online?

By using the following sites: www.bol.it and www.ibs.it.

How can I send a comment?

We would be happy to receive your comments and suggestions at:

How can I contact the editors? How can I signal typos, errors, inaccuracies? How can I signal events?

To contact the editors of Italiano per Stranieri email: lucia.ermice@mondadori.it

Is it possible to contact the authors?

You can send your questions for the authors to our editors at lucia.ermice@mondadori.it; . We will be happy to forward your requests to them.

How can I send a proposal for a publication or for collaboration with Lemonnier?

We will be happy to look at proposals for publications and professional CVs. You can send them to us at italianoperstranieri@lemonnier.it.