Reading: Practical strategies to helping your learners engage with the texts in their course books

Groups of learners can sometimes need considerable encouragement and support to actually get their heads down and engage with the texts in their coursebooks. In this session, we shall look at how to assist lower secondary teens navigate their way through a range of reading matter. We will look at techniques that give them an entry point in terms of meaning, and also how we might best provide them with a little background before they begin. We shall also think about how to elicit responses from them, how to measure comprehension, and how to use short stories as a vehicle for language points or a starting point for speaking activities. There will be examples and anecdotes from my own classes and many of the techniques will be transferable for older teenagers. Ideal for less experienced teachers and seasoned veterans alike.


Chris Roland is a trainer and methodology writer based in Seville. He has taught in the private language academy sector, mainstream schools and held posts with the British Council in Damascus and Barcelona.
He is known on the international ELT conference circuit for his lively but practical talks on classroom techniques. He tutors on both Trinity Diploma and Cambridge DELTA courses. He has published a number of books through Pavilion including: Understanding Teenagers in the ELT Classroom (2018) and Structuring Fun for Young Learners (2020) with two more complementary titles to help teachers transition to online teaching.
Chris’ current interests are: the dialogue between teachers and students, ways to reduce tension in the classroom and the lesson as an event in itself


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