Oracy: Improving students’ speaking and thinking the easy way

Literacy and numeracy have long been the key pillars of education, but the concept of oracy (the ability to use the oral skills of speaking and listening) is relatively new. This webinar will explore the reasons why oracy has become so important in secondary schools today, and will suggest a variety of practical activities that our students can do every day to learn to speak (and think) more effectively, not only in English but in the students’ own language too!


David Spencer after studying at Oxford, Dave trained to be a Secondary School teacher. He then moved to Spain where he continues to teach teenagers every day. He is the author of the best-selling ‘Gateway’ series, the latest edition of which is ‘Gateway to the World’. Dave has given talks in over 30 countries, including five memorable trips to Italy, and is active on social media at https://www.facebook.com/teachwithdave.


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