Macmillan Education Days 2025 - Firenze
Beyond the basics: Teaching grammar and vocabulary, today and tomorrow!
Hands-on activities to engage and motivate all your students | with David Spencer and Emma Heyderman
I Macmillan Education Days sono tornati!
Mondadori Education e MacMillan Education ti propongono una giornata di workshop didattici, gratuiti e in presenza, in compagnia di relatori internazionali del calibro di David Spencer e Emma Heyderman.
Non perdere un’occasione unica di confronto con colleghi, speaker madrelingua e casa editrice: saremo a vostra disposizione per condividere spunti e feedback!
Iscriviti, i posti sono limitati!
Nel dettaglio, la giornata sarà scandita come di seguito:
- Ore 9.30: accoglienza dei partecipanti presso lo Starhotels Michelangelo
- Ore 10.00: prima sessione di workshop
- Ore 11.15: coffee break
- Ore 11.45: seconda sessione di workshop
- Ore 13.00: conclusione della giornata
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Mondadori Education è ente formatore accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione del personale docente (DM 170 - 21/03/2016).
Garantisce un attestato di frequenza al seminario di aggiornamento valido ai fini dell’esonero dal servizio, secondo la normativa vigente.
Teaching Grammar Today and Tomorrow: Why, What, and above all…HOW???? con David Spencer
In this practical session, we will take a quick look at WHY I strongly believe grammar should continue to hold an important position in our teaching today, WHAT grammar we should be teaching, and above all HOW we can continue to teach (and correct) grammar in an effective way. The session will include a whole variety of simple, motivating, teacher- and student-friendly activities to take away and use immediately in your classes.
Teaching Vocabulary Today and Tomorrow: How to make friends with AI con Emma Heyderman
In this interactive session, we’ll explore practical ways to use AI and digital tools to teach vocabulary effectively. You’ll try out hands-on activities designed to make learning fun and meaningful for your students. Whether you’re new to AI or already experimenting with it, you’ll leave with fresh ideas and tools you can apply in your lessons right away. Get ready to make AI your new teaching friend!
David Spencer After studying at Oxford, Dave trained to be a Secondary School teacher. He then moved to Spain where he has taught teenagers for over 35 years. He is the author of the best-selling ‘Gateway’ series, the latest editions of which are ‘Gateway to the World’ and ‘Gateway Think Global’ (published by Mondadori Education.) Dave has given talks in over 30 countries, including five memorable trips to Italy. He is active on social media at
Emma Heyderman has been in ELT since 1989, working for several schools, including Lacunza – International House, San Sebastian, the Bell School, Regents Park and the University of the Arts in Westminster. An experienced ELT writer, Emma’s titles include Interface and Upskill for Macmillan. She is a consultant trainer for NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education) and she created their Teaching Teenagers course. She tutors on both the online and F2F versions of this course. Emma is also a regular speaker at national and international events.