“I am not what I am”: identity crisis in Othello and O. The tragic treatment.

“I am not what I am”: Iago’s defiant statement in Othello sounds like a threat to the whole world, to beware of his real self. The threat, as is well known, is carried out to its tragic outcome in Shakespeare’s tragedy, but is Iago’s statement only addressed to the world? Does he really know who he is? Shakespeare’s characters often show what psychologist Erik Erikson has called “identity crisis”. Given that identity crisis particularly applies to adolescents, it is not surprising that teen Shakespeare films have taken up this point, bringing teenagers’ identity crisis to the fore. The American romantic thriller O (2001) updates Shakespeare’s Othello, setting it in an American high school. A comparison between the play and the film shows how the latter, while faithfully keeping the original’s structure, greatly enhances the identity crisis experienced by the student counterparts of Iago, Othello and Desdemona. The identity crisis here is also heightened by the presence of a complex student/parent/teacher relation.



Arturo Cattaneo è Professore Ordinario di Letteratura Inglese presso l'Università Cattolica di Milano. Ha pubblicato libri e saggi in italiano e in inglese. Tra i libri, un lungo saggio creativo, Shakespeare e l'amore (Einaudi, Torino 2019). È autore di A Short History of English Literature (Mondadori, Milano 2019), e di una serie di storie antologiche della letteratura inglese per le scuole superiori (Literary Journeys - Connecting ideas l’ultima, edita da Signorelli, Milano). Ha pubblicato due romanzi: Ci vediamo a settembre (2010, Sedizioni) e La notte inglese (2012, Mondadori).



Laura Cavaleri - Responsabile Area Lingue Mondadori Education


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