Macmillan Education Days 2024 - Padova
I Macmillan Education Days sono tornati!
Mondadori Education e MacMillan Education ti propongono una giornata di workshop didattici, in presenza, in compagnia di relatori internazionali.
Protagonista di questa edizione è la Social Emotional Learning (SEL), una tematica fortemente attuale relativa ad un approccio educativo che mira a rafforzare negli studenti:
Ogni appuntamento, basato sul tema Ready for My Future: from SEL to Learner Agency, prevede ben 3 momenti di formazione attiva: una sessione di plenaria e 2 laboratori con attività di gruppo. Sarà, inoltre, un’ occasione per presentarti le nostre ultime novità editoriali: Upskill e Gateway Think Global.
Iscriviti, i posti sono limitati!
Nel dettaglio, la giornata sarà scandita come di seguito:
Scarica la -->locandina
Per ulteriori informazioni -->rivolgiti all’agente di zona.
Mondadori Education è ente formatore accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione del personale docente (DM 170 - 21/03/2016).
Garantisce un attestato di frequenza al seminario di aggiornamento valido ai fini dell’esonero dal servizio, secondo la normativa vigente.
Plenary: Empowering Learners: Integrating Social and Emotional Learning with Learner Agency con Laura Broadbent
In our rapidly evolving educational landscape, the integration of social and emotional learning with learner agency has emerged as a pivotal aspect of holistic education. We will explore the features of both methods and importance of combining them to effectively teach proactive learning processes with real-life skills. I’ll offer practical suggestions that you can include in your classes to nurture positive, independent learners.
Workshop: Empowering Learners: Lesson plans and activities to integrate social and emotional learning with learner agency con Laura Broadbent
We will look at ways to create lesson plans and activities that focus on the mutual reinforcement of SEL and learner agency. This includes strategies for building a growth mindset, empathy and decision-making and problem-solving skills. You’ll then work together to create an example lesson plan and activity that bring together these features and we’ll finish with reflection of the group’s ideas. You will leave with examples plans and activities that you can integrate into your existing curriculum straight away.
Workshop: Empowering Learners: SEL and Learner Agency? con Daniel Tse
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Learner Agency are two allied concepts that support learners in developing the skills necessary for effective learning as well as their future aspirations. How can secondary school teachers help their students to acquire these skills in English language classes? In this workshop, we shall discover what elements of SEL and Learner Agency are already integrated into current teaching practices. We shall also explore how teachers can adapt or exploit coursebook materials to facilitate learning holistically
Laura Broadbent is an ELT writer, teacher trainer and consultant. She taught English for over ten years in Malaysia, Brazil, France, Italy and Spain, where she began translating ELT course books. Since then, she has written a wide range of ELT materials including student books and resources, video courses, podcast series and graded readers for global markets. Six years ago, she specialised in creative and alternative materials and teaching methods for dyslexic learners and began working as a speech and language assistant. She regularly gives teacher training talks and workshops around the world on a range of topics and thoroughly enjoys exchanging ideas with teachers
Daniel Tse went into ELT in 2019 and started teaching at International House Milan and San Donato, Italy in the same year. He works with Young Learners, teens and adults across the full range of CEFR levels. He mainly teaches Cambridge/IELTS Exam Preparation and Business English courses among other classroom contexts. Besides language teaching, Daniel is an examiner and one of the contributors to the International House Journal. He has also spoken at conferences in Milan and Barcelona.
Mondadori Education e MacMillan Education ti propongono una giornata di workshop didattici, in presenza, in compagnia di relatori internazionali.
Protagonista di questa edizione è la Social Emotional Learning (SEL), una tematica fortemente attuale relativa ad un approccio educativo che mira a rafforzare negli studenti:
- la consapevolezza emotiva
- l’autoregolazione emotiva
- la capacità di prendere decisioni responsabili;
- le abilità relazionali
- la consapevolezza sociale
Ogni appuntamento, basato sul tema Ready for My Future: from SEL to Learner Agency, prevede ben 3 momenti di formazione attiva: una sessione di plenaria e 2 laboratori con attività di gruppo. Sarà, inoltre, un’ occasione per presentarti le nostre ultime novità editoriali: Upskill e Gateway Think Global.
Iscriviti, i posti sono limitati!
Nel dettaglio, la giornata sarà scandita come di seguito:
- Ore 9.30: accoglienza dei partecipanti presso l'hotel Crowne Plaza.
- Ore 10.00: primo momento di formazione in sala plenaria: Empowering Learners: Integrating Social and Emotional Learning with Learner Agency
- Ore 11.00: coffee break
- Ore 11.30: prima sessione di workshop: Empowering Learners: Lesson plans and activities to integrate social and emotional learning with learner agency
- Ore 12.15: seconda sessione di workshop: Empowering Learners: SEL and Learner Agency?
- Ore 13.00: conclusione della giornata
Scarica la -->locandina
Per ulteriori informazioni -->rivolgiti all’agente di zona.
Mondadori Education è ente formatore accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione del personale docente (DM 170 - 21/03/2016).
Garantisce un attestato di frequenza al seminario di aggiornamento valido ai fini dell’esonero dal servizio, secondo la normativa vigente.
Plenary: Empowering Learners: Integrating Social and Emotional Learning with Learner Agency con Laura Broadbent
In our rapidly evolving educational landscape, the integration of social and emotional learning with learner agency has emerged as a pivotal aspect of holistic education. We will explore the features of both methods and importance of combining them to effectively teach proactive learning processes with real-life skills. I’ll offer practical suggestions that you can include in your classes to nurture positive, independent learners.
Workshop: Empowering Learners: Lesson plans and activities to integrate social and emotional learning with learner agency con Laura Broadbent
We will look at ways to create lesson plans and activities that focus on the mutual reinforcement of SEL and learner agency. This includes strategies for building a growth mindset, empathy and decision-making and problem-solving skills. You’ll then work together to create an example lesson plan and activity that bring together these features and we’ll finish with reflection of the group’s ideas. You will leave with examples plans and activities that you can integrate into your existing curriculum straight away.
Workshop: Empowering Learners: SEL and Learner Agency? con Daniel Tse
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Learner Agency are two allied concepts that support learners in developing the skills necessary for effective learning as well as their future aspirations. How can secondary school teachers help their students to acquire these skills in English language classes? In this workshop, we shall discover what elements of SEL and Learner Agency are already integrated into current teaching practices. We shall also explore how teachers can adapt or exploit coursebook materials to facilitate learning holistically
Laura Broadbent is an ELT writer, teacher trainer and consultant. She taught English for over ten years in Malaysia, Brazil, France, Italy and Spain, where she began translating ELT course books. Since then, she has written a wide range of ELT materials including student books and resources, video courses, podcast series and graded readers for global markets. Six years ago, she specialised in creative and alternative materials and teaching methods for dyslexic learners and began working as a speech and language assistant. She regularly gives teacher training talks and workshops around the world on a range of topics and thoroughly enjoys exchanging ideas with teachers
Daniel Tse went into ELT in 2019 and started teaching at International House Milan and San Donato, Italy in the same year. He works with Young Learners, teens and adults across the full range of CEFR levels. He mainly teaches Cambridge/IELTS Exam Preparation and Business English courses among other classroom contexts. Besides language teaching, Daniel is an examiner and one of the contributors to the International House Journal. He has also spoken at conferences in Milan and Barcelona.