Macmillan Education Days 2024 - Milano

I Macmillan Education Days sono tornati!

Mondadori Education e MacMillan Education ti propongono una giornata di workshop didattici, in presenza, in compagnia di relatori internazionali.

Protagonista di questa edizione è la Social Emotional Learning (SEL), una tematica fortemente attuale relativa ad un approccio educativo che mira a rafforzare negli studenti:

  • la consapevolezza emotiva 

  • l’autoregolazione emotiva 

  • la capacità di prendere decisioni responsabili;

  • le abilità relazionali 

  • la consapevolezza sociale 

Ogni appuntamento, basato sul tema Ready for My Future: from SEL to Learner Agency, prevede ben 3 momenti di formazione attiva: una sessione di plenaria e 2 laboratori con attività di gruppo. Sarà, inoltre, un’ occasione per presentarti le nostre ultime novità editoriali: Upskill e Gateway Think Global.

Iscriviti, i posti sono limitati!



Nel dettaglio, la giornata sarà scandita come di seguito:

  • Ore 9.30: accoglienza dei partecipanti presso Starhotels Business Palace

  • Ore 10.00: primo momento di formazione in sala plenaria: Evolving Roles: shift in the direction, opportunities and challenges through the learning path

  • Ore 11.00: coffee break

  • Ore 11.30: prima sessione di workshop: Empowering the learner : amplifying agentic practices

  • Ore 12.15: seconda sessione di workshop: Empowering the learner : fostering social and emotional skills

  • Ore 13.00: conclusione della giornata

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Mondadori Education è ente formatore accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione del personale docente (DM 170 - 21/03/2016).
Garantisce un attestato di frequenza al seminario di aggiornamento valido ai fini dell’esonero dal servizio, secondo la normativa vigente.



Plenary: Evolving Roles: shift in the direction, opportunities and challenges through the learning path con Nergis Uyan

The ultimate concern in education system has always been to evaluate how well students learn what they are supposed to learn. The fundamental goal for the schools, parents and teachers has been to “teach” the learner and ensure that they “learn” in the best possible way planned for them. Although the learner is in the core of the entire learning process, they do not have much say to shape their own learning. It is high time that the education system, schools and teachers reflect on their roles and shift their mindset to support the learners to explore the opportunities and cope with the challenges they face through their learning path.

Workshop: Empowering the learner: amplifying agentic practices con Nergis Uyan 

Workshop: Empowering the learner: fostering social and emotional skills con Semih Irfaner

Both workshops aim to create a platform for the audience to develop a deep and practical understanding of “Learner Agency” and what we could do as language teachers to help learners become agentive learners going through “social emotional learning” experience. “What could be integrated into the learning process of the learners to promote ownership?”, “How a rich learning environment could be created for the learners to help them reach the intended learning targets and goals?”  and ultimately, “What strategies could be implemented to make learners carry and continually build their agency throughout their life to become life-long learners?” are some of the essential questions that the workshops would navigate while  providing some practical ideas that would help teachers to embed Learner Agency into their schools and their lessons.



Nergis Uyan She graduated from the Middle East Technical University’s Foreign Language Education Department and received her MA in Management in Education from Bilkent University. She completed Cambridge University DTEFLA (Diploma in Teaching of English as a Foreign Language to Adults) and Bilkent University ADEM (Advanced Diploma in English Language Teaching Management). She worked in several positions at Bilkent University School of English Language (BUSEL) including English Language Instructor, Head of Teaching Unit, Teacher Development Coordinator, CELTA Trainer and Member of BUSEL Directorate.

Semih Irfaner Dr. Semih Irfaner works at Macmillan Education responsible for teacher training and product promotion, and prepares training programs on academic skills and the use of critical thinking in language classrooms. Before joining Macmillan Education, Dr. İrfaner worked as both an administrator and a lecturer in the Academic English unit at Bilkent University and prepared and taught courses related to academic English.