How to teach the four main skills using an integrated approach

The four main skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening are still an integral part of English language learning. Students need to be able to develop them to a high standard for exams, further education and getting jobs. But how can we teach them in a productive way? In this talk, I’m going to show how an integrated approach allows students to develop these skills while working towards a communicative goal. We will look at practical examples from Switch B2 where games and project-based learning support and build these skills while also engaging and motivating learners.


Laura Broadbent is an ELT writer, teacher trainer and consultant. She taught English for over ten years in Malaysia, Brazil, France, Italy and Spain, where she began translating ELT course books. Since then, she has written a wide range of ELT materials including student books and resources, video courses, podcast series and graded readers for global markets. Six years ago, she specialised in creative and alternative materials and teaching methods for dyslexic learners and began working as a speech and language assistant. She regularly gives teacher training talks and workshops around the world on a range of topics and thoroughly enjoys exchanging ideas with teachers.