AI that is easy and can really impact your teaching

In this talk, packed with practical ideas, Russell will highlight some of the most useful AI tools for English language teachers. The focus is on easy to use tools that have a free option and can have an immediate impact on teaching.

Russell will focus on 3 areas. Tools that can save teachers time, tools that improve engagement in the classroom and tools that can extend learning outside of the classroom and help students to become more autonomous. A talk not to be missed! Full of simple tools and ideas that can really help teachers in key areas of their teaching.


Russell Stannard is a multi award-winning Educational Technologist and founder of He has more than 80,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel. He received awards from the British Council ELTONS, the Times Higher and the University of Westminster for his work in the use of ICT in education. He trains language educators in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning. His focus is on the use of technology outside of the classroom to extend learning options for students but he has also worked on the development of blended learning delivery and more recently AI. He has presented in more than 50 countries.


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