Inglese - Letteratura: le lezioni digitali per la Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado
- G. Chaucer / The Canterbury Tales
- William Shakespeare (life, sonnets)
- William Shakespeare (themes, plays)
- Romeo and Juliet
- Hamlet
- Macbeth
- The Tempest
- D. Defoe / Robinson Crusoe
- W. Wordsworth - Lyrical Ballads
- S. T. Coleridge - The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
- C. Dickens / Oliver Twist
- Oscar Wilde / The picture of Dorian Gray
- J. Conrad / Heart of Darkness
- T.S. Eliot / The Waste Land
- V. Woolf / Mrs Dalloway
- Orwell / 1984
- S. Beckett / Waiting for Godot
- History and culture
- Literature and Language
From the origins to the Middle Ages
- History and culture
- Literature and Language
The Renaissance
- History and culture
- Literature and Language
The Restoration and the 18th century
- History and culture
- Literature and Language
The Romantics and the Age of Revolution
- History and culture
- Literature and Language
The Victorian Age
- History and culture
- Literature and Language
The Modern Age
- History and culture