Inglese - Grammatica: le lezioni digitali per la Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado
- Articles
- Countable and uncountable nouns with quantifiers
- Question words
- Comparatives
- Superlatives
- Quantifiers
- Prepositions of time (on/in/at)
- Prepositions of place
- Adverbs of frequency
- Present simple vs present continuous
- Past simple
- Past continuous
- Past simple vs past continuous
- Present perfect (just, already, yet)
- Present perfect (ever and never)
- Future simple with will
- Future with be going to
- Future with will vs be going to
- Present continuous for future and other forms of future
- Modali: can, could e be able to, tutte le forme
- Modals: requests, suggestions and offers
- Modals: obligation, prohibition and necessity
- Verbs + infinitive: like and would like
- Yes/no questions, wh- questions
- Zero and first conditional
Livello A2
- Articles - 2
- Comparatives, superlatives, (not) as … as
- Intensifiers
- Past simple vs past continuous - Revision
- Used to
- Present perfect - Revision
- Present perfect vs past simple
- Present perfect simple vs present perfect continuous
- Past perfect
- Past perfect vs past simple
- Future continuous
- The future: present simple, continuous, going to, will, future continuous
- Will, be going to and other forms for future
- Second conditional
- Third conditional
- Zero, first, second, third conditional
- Modals: probability and certainty (will/may/might)
- Modals: advice, obligation, prohibition and deduction
- Reported speech: statements, questions
- The passive: all tenses
- Relative pronouns