Making online synchronous classes more active and interactive | Laura Patsko
These days, teachers and learners spend a lot of time online – planning lessons, doing self-study or attending live synchronous classes. Unfortunately, sitting in front of a computer screen for long periods is not very motivating or healthy. This webinar will demo a few tips and tricks, and invite teachers to share their own insights.
Laura Patsko is a Language and Learning Consultant who spends a lot of her professional time these days developing digital learning content and tools! She is an experienced teacher, trainer and researcher, specializing in teacher education, pronunciation and ELF, and is author or co-author of several books, chapters and articles on these topics. She tweets as @lauraahaha and @BlackbirdLXD.
Laura Patsko is a Language and Learning Consultant who spends a lot of her professional time these days developing digital learning content and tools! She is an experienced teacher, trainer and researcher, specializing in teacher education, pronunciation and ELF, and is author or co-author of several books, chapters and articles on these topics. She tweets as @lauraahaha and @BlackbirdLXD.