

Planning, scheduling, control, measurement and improvement

Andrea Sianesi

The production system is one of the key elements in creating a competitive advantage for industrial companies. The importance that over the years have assumed, for the survival and growth of companies, the issues of reducing production costs, reducing response times, increasing the level of customer service, stimulates to deepen the topics of the production system management. In this text the management of the production system is conceived in an extended perspective, that is not limited to the techniques for the formulation of production plans, but also includes the issues of quality improvement, information systems supporting production activities and systems for measuring performance of effectiveness and efficiency. The theoretical treatment of the topics is enriched by real cases, numerical examples and glosses, which exemplify the concepts presented in the volume and facilitate the reader in focusing the key concepts and their applicability to real contexts.

Autore/i e indice


Andrea Sianesi, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Politecnico di Milano, was Dean of MIP, the University’s business school, until the end of 2019 and is currently Chairman of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano and PoliHUB, the University’s incubator and accelerator.



The authors; Preface; Acknowledgements; First part. Fundamentals of production systems: 1. Introduction to the production systems; 2. Performances measurement; Second part. Production planning & control: 3. The production system inside the Supply Chain; 4. Stock management models; 5. The “requirement management” techniques; 6. Just In Time, Lean Production and Six Sigma to improve the production system.

Versioni e acquisto

  • Edizione cartacea

    pp. XVIII-494 isbn: 9788861848924

    • € 50,40
    • Acquista

      su Mondadori Store

  • Edizione digitale

    pp. 512 isbn: 9788861848931

    • € 39,99
    • Acquista

      Versione Digitale

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Università e saggistica – Economia e management