Developing learners’ ORACY skills through three types of talk
EFL-Teacher Professional Development 2024-2025
The concept of oracy was first developed in the 1960s to bring together speaking and listening skills. There have been several different proposed frameworks for teaching oracy skills since then. In this session, we shall explore how teachers can use the one by the National Literacy Trust UK in general English and exam preparation classes. By sharing ideas for planning and teaching various speaking activities, I aim to demonstrate how teachers can readily incorporate three types of talk in developing learners’ oracy skills.
In the workshop, we shall try several hands-on speaking activities to illustrate the three types of talk for oracy. There will also be opportunities for teachers to collaboratively design their own assessment criteria and evaluation form for spoken presentations, which they can subsequently use as templates in their lessons.
Daniel Tse works as a teacher and examiner in Italy. He has taught with International House Milan for six years and the British Council in Milan since February 2025. He works with Young Learners, teenagers, and adults across the full range of CEFR levels. He mainly teaches Exam Preparation and Business English, as well as an increasing number of English ‘top-up’ and CLIL courses in local schools and universities.
Quest’anno i seminari si svolgeranno IN PRESENZA nella Sala Ipogea della Mediateca Montanari, Piazza Pier Maria Amiani a Fano.
I seminari saranno anche l’occasione per incontrarsi, per conoscere e parlare con i relatori, per scambiare idee ed opinioni con colleghi, per visionare i libri delle case editrici.
Al termine del seminario, i docenti presenti riceveranno l’attestato di partecipazione cartaceo.
La Sala Ipogea ha una capienza limitata quindi per poter partecipare si consiglia di prenotare il posto al più presto, attraverso il link di iscrizione qui sotto:
Si prega di iscriversi su: https://forms.gle/LgRKTuQoMuRXHg9h8
Codice identificativo piattaforma SOFIA 98138
Anche i docenti iscritti su SOFIA sono pregati di compilare la Google Form per perfezionare l’iscrizione: https://forms.gle/LgRKTuQoMuRXHg9h8
La partecipazione è gratuita.
Per ulteriori informazioni: scarica la locandina o contatta
foschi.valentina@nolfiapolloni.org |Agenzia Cori & Camilletti: agenti@coriecamilletti.it | tel/whatsapp 338 3979115
In the workshop, we shall try several hands-on speaking activities to illustrate the three types of talk for oracy. There will also be opportunities for teachers to collaboratively design their own assessment criteria and evaluation form for spoken presentations, which they can subsequently use as templates in their lessons.
Daniel Tse works as a teacher and examiner in Italy. He has taught with International House Milan for six years and the British Council in Milan since February 2025. He works with Young Learners, teenagers, and adults across the full range of CEFR levels. He mainly teaches Exam Preparation and Business English, as well as an increasing number of English ‘top-up’ and CLIL courses in local schools and universities.
Quest’anno i seminari si svolgeranno IN PRESENZA nella Sala Ipogea della Mediateca Montanari, Piazza Pier Maria Amiani a Fano.
I seminari saranno anche l’occasione per incontrarsi, per conoscere e parlare con i relatori, per scambiare idee ed opinioni con colleghi, per visionare i libri delle case editrici.
Al termine del seminario, i docenti presenti riceveranno l’attestato di partecipazione cartaceo.
La Sala Ipogea ha una capienza limitata quindi per poter partecipare si consiglia di prenotare il posto al più presto, attraverso il link di iscrizione qui sotto:
Si prega di iscriversi su: https://forms.gle/LgRKTuQoMuRXHg9h8
Codice identificativo piattaforma SOFIA 98138
Anche i docenti iscritti su SOFIA sono pregati di compilare la Google Form per perfezionare l’iscrizione: https://forms.gle/LgRKTuQoMuRXHg9h8
La partecipazione è gratuita.
Per ulteriori informazioni: scarica la locandina o contatta
foschi.valentina@nolfiapolloni.org |Agenzia Cori & Camilletti: agenti@coriecamilletti.it | tel/whatsapp 338 3979115