Learner Agency: giving voice and choice to develop our students’ potential inside career advising

Learner agency refers to the personal control a student has over their own learning process. Creating opportunities for student agency within the learning context fosters a sense of empowerment and ownership, therefore supporting learner agency is crucial for effective guidance and orientation in education, thus allowing students to find their own voice and make informed choices for their future. In addition, by shifting from a teacher-centered to a learner-centered approach, teaching will become more effective while metacognition will support students in becoming active participants in their own education.

This webinar will provide practical examples to develop a mindset of learner agency in students, highlighting the important role of teachers in facilitating meaningful interactions. It will also explain how to integrate learner agency inside our classes career advising curricula, and the benefits it will provide.


Cristina Prandi consegue la Laurea in Lingue e Letterature Straniere a presso l’università di Torino, e un Master in Didattica e Programmazione. Dal 1993 insegna lingua e letteratura inglese presso un liceo classico, scientifico e linguistico dove ricopre anche la mansione di responsabile della sezione ESABAC e di funzione strumentale per la didattica. Teacher trainer in Metodologia e Didattica della Lingua Inglese per USR Piemonte, con la passione per le nuove tecnologie e la didattica innovativa, da anni tiene corsi agli insegnanti dei vari ordini di scuole.